Monday, September 29, 2008

Week from hell is almost done!!! Thank you HIGHER POWER!

Last wednesday, during my riding lesson, Mighty (the horse) decided to be a complete jerk-head. First hes trying to eat through my pocket to get to the treats (ok that was my fault, whatever). So then, (this will sound backwards I know) when I'm trying to turn right to go to the jump, he is "falling" to the left. Into the wall. With my leg. A little painful, to say the least. So Thursday was ok.... kind of.... I had to sing and dance like a fool for homecoming coronation.... lame.... didn't miss stuff like that about choir. Anyways.... Friday..... ended up walking home 5 miles.... at 4:30 am.... got home around 6:45 and was supposed to be up and ready to go to the cities right after play practice (which was from 9 am to noon). Needless to say I'm sore (walked those miles in flip flops) and I'm exhausted! So I went to practice an hour late, and got home and showered and rushed. Then on my way to the cities (note I'm already running late), traffic is crazy and people are being stupid lane switchers. So the SUV in front of me slams on the breaks, I follow suit, and the car behind me doesn't. The SUV pulls up, I slam on the gas, and the car behind me bumps me. We exchange information, but everything looks ok. So I get to my destination a little late, but we make it..... Ok..... I don't walk around a whole lot because I hurt even more from sitting in the car for 3 hours. Sunday was ok, made some sushi with my sister.... and now I'm sitting in class, eating it.... haven't gotten any looks or comments yet so thats good.... go tune into her blog to see photos and more expanded explanations..... You know where she is, and if you don't..... stop stalking me you crazies! haha...... just kidding...... just stop lurking and tell me how to improve my study habbits...... Well.... I'm suppose I should really start to pay attention..... Have a better week than I am!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why must people be so freaking mean?

So.... I had one of my best friends freak out on me today after having a very productive weekend. He then apologized and felt bad..... after I cried. I wish he would get someone who gets paid to take his shit out on. Yeah I'll listen to some of it, but I can only take so much along with all my own crap. I finally got ahold of the guy who *potentially* has my guitar. We talked about our problems and discovered they are remarkably similar..... only he is in a different position in the triangles we are in. Its odd and I'm kind of excited that we are talking again..... I'm still behind in my nursing homework, but I'm hoping to get this all sorted out soon..... doctors are my saviors! Kind of....... anyways..... other than that not much is really happening.... I'm thinking of joining a new gym.... One that is open longer than the curves I used to go to. So I could actually go during business hours..... Now.... if only I learned how to cook for one....... I hate that when I cook I end up with a million servings! And.... if it tastes really good it is constantly calling my name until its gone.... stupid food..... Well... I'm ganna get started on that homework thats so great..... Not!

Friday, September 19, 2008

One of those days....

This is one of those days where my emotions are all over the freaking map. It's really annoying. Like I want to just stop feeling completely annoying. And the spectrum that these emotions cover is amazing. I'd be a psychiatrists worst nighmare right now. I'm frustrated at how lazy I am, I'm completely in love, hesitant about being in love, terrified about being in love, annoyed at being in love, annoyed at the one I love, worried because I'm going to get yelled at about stuff this post contains even though I can't help it, tired, scared of school, etc..... really most of my emotions right now boil down to that whole love thing. Honestly wish I wasn't dealing with it. I'm watching Reba right now.... and there is something about "tangerine" being code for get out.... wish I could just say tangerine to love. I'm not one hundred percent sure I can handle the love with everything else happening in my life. I just don't know what to think right now..... and I can't even ignore it by playing The Sims 2.... oooooohhhhhhh greater power that someone believes in help me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

where is my life going?

Tuesday was my first nursing test. I'd really rather not talk about it, so instead I will focus on something else. Like the girl that informed everyone a friend of hers died an hour before the test, followed with the news that another friend is being charged with manslaughter. Ok..... that really sucks..... a lot.... hardcore..... Then we get the entire story. Her manslaughter friend decided to drive the dead friend home.... drunk..... She tried to make excuses like "he only blew a 0.09 and the legal limit is something like 0.08." As if that somehow makes drunk driving ok. It was only 0.01 over after all. No.... over is over.... Yeah if I'm speeding one mph over the limit, I deserve a ticket..... not that I wouldn't be pissed as hell if I got one..... I completely agree that her friend should go to jail for drunk driving. If he wouldn't have done that, her other friend would still be alive. But then I think..... the dead friend is a among the stupidest poeple on the earth for getting in the car and letting killer drive. I have no pity for any of the people in that situation. Which got me to thinking..... how will I be a nurse? If I had a drunk driver come into the ER that just killed someone, would I be able to care for that patient? I always feared that in EMS. Would I really want to save this person when they don't really care? Yeah yeah addiction is hard to beat blah blah..... but they CHOSE to drive..... as in get behind the wheel and put everyone who was driving's lives in the hands of some alcohol. Now lets remember alcohol isn't animate..... so it would be pretty hard for it to drive yeah? I just have no respect for someone who does that. which again brings me to the question..... would i do everything in my power to save their life? or would i just do all that was legally required by law and now try as hard as I should? Maybe I should just work in labor/delivery/ob/peds..... or something like that..... so... morale of today is.... if you suspect a driver is drunk.... call them in..... and if they have a whiskey plate (the plate that is W and some letters/numbers) they can be pulled over whenever where ever to make sure they aren't drinking..... so really just call it in.... potentially it could save a life......

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm tired of shady.....

Why are the majority of my friends being shady? My best friend that I lived with in Utah all summer was completely ignoring me for the first 3 weeks that I was gone.... and today she calls me bitching about a mantoux test that got wacked out and resulted in cellulitis (spelling?). So we talked for about 40 minutes and thats the longest we talked in ages. Its really abnormal for us. Anyways..... so then I have this other friend..... we made plans to hang out last weekend a week and a half in advance. Thursday she tells me that she got scheduled to work saturday until 11 pm.... Fine, she didn't say anything about cancelling though! So I was planning on going to her house around 11 on friday after she got done with work. I tried to call and text her asking when I should be there. She finally gets back to me at 11:30 asking why I called and telling me that she was at her grandmothers house in another town! Well she explained that since she had to work so much, we were just going to reschedule. Then I come to find out she didn't work at all on friday! She was with someone else! I don't really understand why she lied to me. Its not like its a huge deal, but the lying bothers me to no end. Then I have another friend who is doing this hot and cold bit. I will hear from him all day one day, and then for like 5 days I won't hear a word even if i need to talk. Its driving me batty! So it would be wonderful if I didn't have such douchebags for friends......

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wow..... who knew I had so much to say!

So...... Adrienne Currie (spelling?) is getting a lot of shit for posting on her myspace/blog? somewhere...... She posted about Hurricane Ike's victims. She thinks they are completely stupid for staying in their homes after they were told to evacuate. Well, when the rescuers go in to save their asses, the stupids should have to foot the bill. Who wouldn't completely agree with that? Why should I have to pay for their stupidity? Duh...... Well I don't even know where to start with a post! I made sushi last night..... it turned out pretty well too! JG has officially eaten sushi and he liked it! I hope someone wants some more soon! it was fun! Anyways..... Nursing is officially kicking my ass! I'm so exhausted right now but i have a ton to read tonight before a test tomorrow! I am such a procrastinator...... So when I was revamping the blog I went through and read some old posts and holy hell was there a lot of dumb stuff! I can't guarantee that stupid things won't be said on here..... sorry..... But.... i suppose i should go read..... stupid stupid books.......

are you ready for some.... choir?

I have a fundamentals of nursing I test tomorrow..... at 11 am..... and here I sit.... In the choir room. I think I made a mistake. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like choir most of the time. But this specific class of choir.... I think it was a mistake. I should have just registered for the musical credits. Mondays from 6-8 pm I have "area chorale." People from around the area can come in and sing in a choir. Well I couldn't do voice ensemble along with the normal college choir, so for the one credit I needed, i did this choir instead. I've gone to one day, and I want to kill some members. Old bitties.... most of them.... but one in particular "grinds my gears"..... I'm guessing she is an instructor at a high school. Older, way fugly..... the usual. Ok, so us sopranos go of into the unknown of sectionals, and she takes charge. Only she is letting us sing the wrong note.... BOO HER! THE 2 COLLEGE GIRLS NOTICE IT! Anywho.... when we get to the end of another song (sectional over with).... there is a high note, a slightely lower note, and second soprano note. The choir instructor (the real one) usually doesn't like a really loud sound up top, they should "float." So who but high school music teacher jumps onto it like a cat onto a real mouse full of blood and catnip! (Morbid I know)..... DRIVING ME CRAZY this woman is..... and to be honest... she isn't that good......
Moving on..... As you can plainly see I've decided to start writing again after almost 2 years hiatus..... take all the old stuff off, put up the new..... YAY ME! new stuff all around.....
As for the Musical.... Camelot to be exact.... I am trying to get over my fear of everything and get some confidence. So, this is me..... in a musical...... on a stage.... dancing in a medieval dress...... Thank you very much, I'll be here all week! Yeah I'm kind of worried about it because we have to learn most of it on our own, no scheduled rehearsal times...... yeah..... and you should see the music..... itsl ike someone took plain computer paper and wrote it all in! with a pen.... free hand..... yes... rather annoying....
Well T-minus 10 minutes until choir starts so I best get the computer down off my lap and the folder of the lamest music ever onto it. The theme is Americana (which isn't america, duh).... ready? Buffalo gals won't you come out tonight? ........