Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"I'm still breathing"

I realize I complain when other people don't blog often..... I also realize that I haven't blogged in 2 weeks and 2 days....... (depending on when this blog actually gets finished, it may be 3 days). I'm going absolutely mad. I also realize I'm really high strung and over exaggerate everything. But its been actually really bad lately. I have been freaking out about my tests in nursing. I took one for Intro to Professional nursing on Monday Oct 5th..... and I finished in about ten minutes. I'm one of those people that needs to get done really quickly so I get into the zone and start at the last question working my way back. Its like counting down, which is better than counting up. I don't know, I'm aware that its odd, but it works. So.... I finish my test (its online) and then I move my mouse to the submit quiz button. I hover.... and can't do it.... after a 63% on my first nursing test ever in my fundamentals class, I was terrified. So, I read it all over again and didn't change a single answer. 15 minutes after just sitting there staring at the button, i finally push it. I scroll past my wrong answers and look at my score. I am completely speechless. WHAT?!?!??! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? There absolutely had to be a mistake. I couldn't have scored that. It read 36/40 (90.00%). Plus we had a paper sheet with 4 bonus questions. I got three of those right. So.... really I got a 39/40 (97.5%). I almost died. WOW.... I was on cloud 359. And now I'm having a bit of trouble organizing the rest of my thoughts, so to keep up with my posting often, I will save the other days events for another post! Time to clean...... *grumble*