Saturday, November 22, 2008


I absolutely hate holidays..... New Years, my birthday (I'm aware it isn't a holiday, but I hate it anyways), valentine's day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and I guess Halloween too..... St. Patty's day and 4th of July aren't so bad as that isn't a "family" oriented holiday. It just reminds me of how alone I am. Yeah I have my family that always celebrates, but I get really lonely. Everyone in my family has someone but me..... and then, they go to their respective peoples parents, and I'm stuck with a family that I don't really feel comfortable with. I just don't really fit in there. I was like 5 when I was introduced into that family, but I still feel uneasy.... I like the holidays for food and presents, and the lack of school... period... that's it..... I like family time, when the time is split between my siblings.... I don't really like spending time with all of them together..... It always ends with someone in tears, most often me..... They don't do it on purpose.... hell they might not even know that they do it...... but it happens..... so... to reiterate... I hate the holidays.....

1 comment:

  1. I'd still like to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
