I'm not entirely sure she reads this, but I just found her blog and started following it so maybe she will pick up on it.
What happened? As far as I'm concerned you were my BEST friend. We both knew where we stood in our opinions and views. If that is what happened then I'm sorry you took what I said the wrong way. But that doesn't change my views. I'm a liberal, and though I don't agree with everything they say, they are closer to where I do stand. Your conservative, and I respect that. When you attack my personal beliefs then I'm going to give you information defending them. I was in no ways attacking your political beliefs. They are just that: YOUR beliefs. Not mine. The thing is I don't care what you believe because we were friends beyond that. I moved out with you while your husband was deployed because I felt we both needed something to change. So I left MN and the drama that was here and it was possibly the best decision I could have made. I came to spend time with a friend I missed and support you in a really difficult time. We didn't talk for a really long time once after high school and it seems that it is happening again. I've called you, left messages, text you, sent you emails, sent you facebook and myspace messages and yet you ignored me. So I decided to give you time to breathe and get over what I thought you considered a political tiff. So now I hear you have been to MN the 13-19 and didn't call or even let me know. I was home during the majority of that time. I don't know if you were with his parents the whole time, but I'm guessing you stopped to see your family to. If you didn't have time to see me I would have understood, but I probably would have been more than willing to fly out and visit you. I miss my friend and I don't know why I lost her. I've tired calling you today, and you once again didn't answer. So call me. If you don't want to be friends anymore then I'd appreciate you letting me know. Congratulations on his return, Roxie: I'm sorry she died, Maggie, glad Zeus is feeling better, your birthday, your anniversary, his birthday, the CNA certification, the new car, vacationing in Moab, and anything I may have missed. If we are no longer friends I would really appreciate getting my belongings back. You have my number, my email, my facebook, my myspace, and a number of other ways to contact me.
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