Sunday, October 26, 2008

it snowed... .and it didn't go away

My shoes are wet.... soaked wet.... because last night while it stormed like mad and knocked my power out, more than once, it got cold enough to turn the rain to snow. So I got up and dinked around today.... around noon, maybe closer to one.... i look walked by my window.... it was a little colder than usual.... hmmm.... it kinda feels like there is snow outside.... lo and behold I look out and its an ugly white.... it stayed too.... its still an ugly white as i post at 1 am..... I'm annoyed at this.... because last year, after it snowed, it stayed until may.... MAY! I AM GOING TO HAVE TO DEAL WITH SNOW FOR 7.... THATS SEVEN.... MONTHS! ok well its probably more along the lines of 6 as the snow melted in EARLY may.... but still.... thats just not fair.... after it rains for a week straight, we get one afternoon of sunshine and it snows that night! wow.... and all weatherbug ever says is non-precipitation advisory.... weatherbug is poo..... anyways.... getting along to the reason for this posting...... I'm feeling like crap.... my self-esteem is about as low as it can get right now..... I'm feeling like such a failure, like the ugliest person on the planet, like no one will ever like me..... I know part of this is due to the person that I'm comparing too...... I know I'm a better person than her, but there is some stuff that I don't understand that makes me feel horrible..... and the jerk that i'm madly in love with isn't helping either.... in fact.... the female that i'm comparing with is the reason the one i'm madly in love with is a jerk..... I fell in love with one person, and he has completely changed..... Everyone always tells me don't let people change who you are..... him mostly..... but i hate how hypocritical people are.... I know i do it too.... but..... you were fine after 6 years of her, plus on and off 2 years..... and one more changed you? Thats not right.... so here i sit...... feeling like less than adequate..... and I'm not the one who has abandoned their family, sold themselves for money..... Not the person who has two separate lives to lead..... I know a lot of people reading this will be confused, but thats a good place for you to be..... the only person I want to talk to about this right now is my sister..... so.... sister, call me whenever you have some time to talk....

1 comment:

  1. It's good tp have a sister.

    And I changed my name - Becky
