soon always turns into later for me it seems. I went to my job interview and I think it turned out alright. Haven't heard a yes or no yet, but I called on tuesday and she had taken some extra time off for the 4th of july and wasn't done interviewing yet. She did say that it looked good for me! I went home monday night/tuesday morning (left just before midnight) and I started to wonder if I somehow managed to detour through a zoo. There was a fawn on the road about 3 minutes after I got off the interstate and I was PRAYING that the mother was in the ditch already. Managed to maneuver around and avoid the poor little baby. Then.... maybe ten miles north of Olivia, I manage to almost hit a BEAR! As in a giant black bear! At first I thought it was a dog, but then I looked closer and it walked funny.... not like a dog.... and it was HUGE.... and its face was funny.... not like a dog.... so I'm pretty sure it was a bear and not a dog..... really strange I know..... so then I get near the casino and almost hit a racoon.... and just past the casino I almost hit a..... PERSON! Mind you it is around 2 in the morning. Maybe they gambled a little too much. I don't know. Eventful drive home so this time I've decided to leave between 6 and 7 am instead. Hopefully I will run into less animals. I will post about Wednesday's activities and about my 4th of july later today or tomorrow. Gives you something to look forward to.... I hope....
Oh.... and Heidi.... NOW who doesn't post often? yeah... I'm winning..... so.... neener neener neeeeeeeeener!
Puffy Oven Pancake
9 years ago