I'll let myself dream about having a fairy tale ending. Pretend I'll meet the perfect man.... pretend that the world is perfect and there will be no more pain. No more war, no more famine, no more violence.... Mostly no more pain. My perfect man will show up on not a white horse but a friesian.... and pay for everything while I finish school.... buy me a house maybe.... I'll work delivering babies, get married to perfect man, have theme music playing (but not family guy style where the guy wants to break all of peter's bones), be successful at SOMETHING..... have perfect little kids.... raise them perfectly.... Have you ever played the sims? one or two doesn't really matter though two would better explain this..... you can create any kind of sim you want. Creative people usually create all different types of people.... I only make perfect people.... and when I do try to make imperfect people, I set the goal as making them perfect. They all raise A+ children who go to private schools and never miss anything growing up. They always have tons of money and never want for anything. I never vary from the norm.... I play that because thats my perfect world. I never make me on it though.... myself isn't an option because I don't know the perfects of my life.... I know the imperfects.... and that doesn't fit in with my sims. So tonight I won't play the sims. But I will let myself want that perfect. and tomorrow.... I will wake up and my silly sense of perfectness will be shattered..... war will go on, violence will continue, pain will keep hurting.... people will be hungry, and cold, and tired..... and I won't want that perfect guy to marry.... I'll still want a perfect guy, but not for marriage. And those perfect kids? will never be born.... I don't want them..... I can't stay in one place for too long..... I get bored so travelling nurse sounds like my best option.... maybe I should join the military...... travel is about the only perk..... well I suppose I should stop writing and just go be melancholy in my perfect world. Not too much time to stay here in perfectworld.
Puffy Oven Pancake
9 years ago